Let me start by saying I LOVE Halloween. The whole month of October if I’m being honest. Our household starts gearing up for the big night at least a month in advance. We tend to get a lot of kids at our house, so I spread out buying Halloween goodies to hand out so it doesn’t feel like one big money dump. Because we have so many trick or treaters, it’s nice to have friends over for the evening to help hand out candy/dress up with us to celebrate.
To me, this is reason enough to have a little Halloween party. So, I’m sharing a few things to include in your Halloween party night in this year.
Psst…Keep reading until the end to find a bonus treat just for you!!
Set the scene.
I tend to rely more on candles and dim lighting for this spooky night. Decorate as much or as little as you want. But if you plan to hand out candy, make sure you have some décor outside so all the trick or treaters out there know your house is ready for them! I set out a carved pumpkin or two. And we’re always sure to light up the front stairs with jack-o-lantern lights.
Treat yo self.
The candy isn’t just for the kids, we usually end up treating ourselves at the same time. Two for you, one for me, am I right?! This is also when the roasted pumpkin seeds and homemade pumpkin baking is enjoyed. Along with a delicious beverage of baileys and coffee, hot apple cider or seasonal tea – you really can’t go wrong. If you want something a little more festive, try making a pumpkin martini!
Entertain me.
We always have a Halloween movie playing in between the doorbell sounds. My favourites include Hocus Pocus, Casper, and the original Halloween. And let’s be real, if you didn’t watch Hocus Pocus, was it really even Halloween?
If movie night isn’t your thing, then get a spooky playlist going in the background while you play games. I highly suggest adding Thriller by Michael Jackson to that playlist. It’s my personal must have for the holiday! Just remember to keep the noise level relatively low so you don’t miss the littles knocking on the door.
Dress for the occasion
This is the holiday where EVERYONE in the family gets involved. Each dog gets a costume (they hate it, we love it!). It helps when they’re eagerly running to the door every time a new group of kiddos rings the doorbell. The kids see funny looking dogs, and aren’t as scared of a 10lb pumpkin excitedly barking at them.
If you have more people over, make sure they get the memo to dress up too! This isn’t a holiday just for kids – so have fun with it!
At the end of the day, just have fun with it. Kids or no kids, take advantage of celebrating Halloween (especially when it falls on a weekday, like it does this year). It will break up the week and make the weekend come even faster. That’s a win in my books!
To help you decorate, I’ve partnered with the talented Alison Martin of amartincreative to create a free Halloween banner just for you! Grab your freebie below.
For best results, I suggest printing on white card-stock for the kids to colour in or you can print right onto the coloured card-stock paper of your choice!
Happy Halloween friends!
Happy Halloween Banner
Custom made with love, just for you! Grab your freebie here.