March 18, 2020

How To Celebrate At Home


So 2020 isn’t exactly going the way you thought it would. You’re now spending all of your time at home and searching for ways to keep your positive energy up. Whether you’re inside with your significant other, kids, roommate or even alone, there is always a way to celebrate a little day-to-day joy. 


Bake a Cake

Pick your favourite recipe that you haven’t had the time to make and dig out the sprinkles from your pantry! My go-to cake recipe is a chocolate zucchini cake, a family favourite every time (we keep shredded zucchini in the freezer!). 

Pro-tip: Involve your littles in the baking process to switch up the indoor activities and teach them new skills.



Have a Slumber Party

Girls Night In!? This never happens! Take advantage of the extra time at home with your roomies by pulling out your rose face masks and comfiest pajamas. 

Pro-tip: Cozy up with your favourite blanket and pop on a classic rom-com. Mean Girls? Clueless? Crazy, Stupid, Love? You know you don’t have to ask us twice.

Build a Blanket Fort 

Collect all the blankets and pillows in your home to create one massive fort. It will be the perfect living room oasis to dream up future summer activities. 

Pro-tip: Grab your favourite camping games and snacks — s’mores included!

FaceTime A Friend

Have a friend you have been meaning to catch up with for forever? Schedule an hour or two to FaceTime each other rather than meeting up for your usual coffee date. 

Pro-tip: Celebrating something extra special over the chat like an engagement? Pop a bottle of bubbly and cheers to one another through the phone!


Get Creative

Have kids?

Set up a scavenger hunt, dig out the crafts drawer and create new artwork for the house, or make cards to send to their fellow self-isolation friends.

Grown ups only?

Learn a new skill on Creative Live or Skillshare, write cards to your friends (old school mail has it’s charm!), or play a game of charades.

Pro-tip: Set a goal to try something new every day and don’t give boredom a chance to set in!


Break a Sweat

No gym, no problem! Our favourite workout studios are now hosting live workouts throughout the day and they’re FREE for you to join from home. Check out Oranj Fitness on Facebook to see their live workout schedule.

Pro-tip: Put these in your calendar and treat them like an in studio class – so you’re not tempted to skip.


Spring Clean All The Things

It seems like there is never enough time in the day – lucky for you, you’ve gained some valuable hours back. Why not make the most of them getting a head start on cleaning your home, garage, and any other area that needs some extra love?

Pro-tip: Start a gratitude journal to keep a positive mindset and in-still MENTAL spring cleaning. Each morning write down 3 things you are grateful for!



There you have it, 7 ways to not only keep busy at home but stay connected with the important people in your life!

Stay safe and healthy friends. 

xox Melissa